Digitaltag 2022 - Wir sind dabei

Digitaltag 2022

How people with disabilities can already benefit
from the 5G mobile network today.“

Digital for All“

This is the appeal cal­ling on stake­hol­ders at this year’s Nati­on­wi­de Digi­tal Day to “streng­then digi­tal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, digi­tal skills, pro­mo­te digi­tal enga­ge­ment, and make digi­tiza­ti­on a tan­gi­ble expe­ri­ence for ever­yo­ne everywhere!“

5G Inklusion 4.0“

Social economy promotes digital participation in working life for people with disabilities 

In the 5G Inklu­si­on 4.0 rese­arch pro­ject, fun­ded by the sta­te of North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia, this demand has alre­a­dy been estab­lished in Iser­lohn: The net­wor­king of digi­tal know­ledge-based assis­tance sys­tems for peo­p­le with disa­bi­li­ties via a dedi­ca­ted 5G mobi­le net­work, offers new forms of digi­tal work support.

5G Inklusion 4.0“ demonstrates practical solutions
at „Digitaltag 2022“ 

At the nati­on­wi­de Digi­tal Day, we will demons­tra­te prac­ti­cal solu­ti­ons for the ever­y­day work of tho­se affec­ted and pos­si­ble new offe­rings for shel­te­red work­shops.
As part of a hybrid event at the Iser­loh­ner Werk­stät­ten, we will broad­cast best-prac­ti­ce solu­ti­ons live. In a panel dis­cus­sion, digi­tal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on through net­work­ed assis­tance sys­tems and its signi­fi­can­ce for “new” busi­ness models will be discussed.


Fri­day, June 24, 2022
11:00 am Admis­si­on for the on-site audience

12:00 pm Nati­on­wi­de live broadcast 
          • Wel­co­me and intro­duc­tion by the pro­ject part­ners (Iser­loh­ner Werk­stät­ten, Gesell­schaft für Bil­dung und Beruf, Uni­ver­si­ty of Euro­pe for Appli­ed Sciences)
          • Demons­tra­ti­on and pre­sen­ta­ti­on of results from pilot sce­na­ri­os of the 5G.NRW Pro­ject „5G Inklu­si­on 4.0“: “Digi­tal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on through net­wor­king with 5G at decen­tra­li­zed locations“
          • Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons from other pro­jects in Ger­ma­ny and abroad: Digi­tal inclu­si­on based on the 5G stan­dard: “Uto­pia and rea­li­ty“ — the bene­fits of giga­bit net­works as a con­tri­bu­ti­on to par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and ser­vices of gene­ral interest.
          • Panel dis­cus­sion with experts

2:00 pm End of the public part of the event

2:15 pm Start of three trans­fer work­shops within the 5G.NRW pro­ject „5G Inklu­si­on 4.0“ for 
          • Small and medi­um-sized enterprises
          • Work­shops for peo­p­le with disabilities
          • Cost and per­for­mance dri­vers of inclusion

3:15 pm End of the event 
Regis­tra­ti­on form Digi­tal­tag 2022

Registration form Digitaltag 2022

First name
Last name
Plea­se let us know your pre­fe­rence
If you are atten­ding local­ly: would you like to par­ti­ci­pa­te in a trans­fer workshop? 
If you have cho­sen to attend a trans­fer work­shop on site, plea­se make a selection: 
I / we 

Plea­se note:

We store the data you pro­vi­de in order to pro­cess your registration.

You can find more infor­ma­ti­on in our pri­va­cy poli­cy.

Project consortium „5G Inklusion 4.0“ research project

Funded by:

© 2022 GBB e. V. 


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